Resident Stories

Walking, wheeling, and cycling stories from across the city

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Sharan standing with her two children

Featured story

“I never thought I’d enjoy things like wildlife whilst walking. I see ducks, foxes and swans!”

Levi chooses to walk to work as a security guard at The Northern School of Contemporary Dance and believes in getting people in the community healthy. His favourite part of his walks is engaging with nature’s animals. The walks have allowed him to develop an interest for wild flowers.
Man standing outside dance school

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“It’s easier to walk, especially if you don’t have a parking space, it’s just stressful driving and having to find a space”

“It’s easier to walk, especially if you don’t have a parking space, it’s just stressful driving and having to find a space”

Read Tamzin's story
“It’s not just about the destination, it is the journey as well, the journey of walking, the journey of cycling, of getting the bus.”

“It’s not just about the destination, it is the journey as well, the journey of walking, the journey of cycling, of getting the bus.”

Read Lisa's story