“It’s not just about the destination, it is the journey as well, the journey of walking, the journey of cycling, of getting the bus.”

Lisa is originally from France and has lived in the UK for the past 7 years. After switching out their car for a neighbourhood car-share scheme, Lisa has noticed that the children have become more mindful on their journeys. Cycling has built up the children’s confidence and getting the bus has proven to be very stimulating for them as they have lots of things to see and talk about.

Lisa walking with her children

We used to have a car, but found it very expensive, we couldn’t afford to keep it, so we started cycling. The journey itself when walking or cycling is more of a thing to enjoy rather than just the process of getting there, we take notice of things on the way.

At first not having a car is an adjustment, but then it feels free, it feels nice walking to a lot of places and to also take the bus. For children, taking public transport can be very stimulating, very interesting for them. It’s not just about the destination, it is the journey as well, the journey of walking, the journey of cycling, of getting the bus.

“The children have become very good cyclists and it has built their confidence.”

Xavier (5) loves riding his bike to pre-school. I guess we are also promoting this way of living and travelling to his little sister. Eloise is not yet 2 but she is already on her balance bike and having a go on the way to nursery. She may not go the whole journey but she’ll give it a go and build on it.

Lisa walking with her children